Published Project Outputs
Scientific Literature (Refereed Journal Papers)
From the Stakeholder Engagement Group:
D.E., Farnsworth, K. D. and Kraak, S. B. M. 2013. Identifying
functional stakeholder clusters to maximise communication for the
ecosystem approach to fisheries management.
Marine Policy. 42, 56-67
From the Ecosystem Modeling Group:
Rossberg, A. G., Houle, J. E., and K. Hyder. Stock-recruitment
relations controlled by feeding interactions alone. 2013. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Fung, T., R. M. Seymour and C. R. Johnson. 2013. Warning signals of
regime shifts as intrinsic properties of endogenous dynamics.
The American Naturalist 182: 208-222.
Shephard, S., Fung, T., Rossberg, A. G., Farnsworth, K. D., Reid, D.
G., Greenstreet, S. P. R. and S. Warnes. 2013. Modelling recovery of
Celtic Sea demersal fish community size-structure.
Fisheries Research. 140:91-95
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, S. Shephard, D. G. Reid and A. G. Rossberg.
2013. Why the size structure of marine communities can require decades
to recover from fishing.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 484: 155-171
Shephard, S., T. Fung, A. G. Rossberg, K. D. Farnsworth, D. G. Reid, S.
P. R. Greenstreet and S. Warnes. 2013. Modelling recovery of Celtic Sea
demersal fish community size-structure.
Fisheries Research 140: 91-95.
J. E. Houle, K. H. Andersen, K. D. Farnsworth, and D. G. Reid. 2013.
Emerging asymmetric interactions between forage and predator fisheries
impose management trade-offs.
J. Fish Biology. (WFC 2012 special issue). 83(4): 890-904.
Farnsworth, K. D., O. Lyashevska and T. Fung. Functional complexity: The source of value in biodiversity.
Ecological Complexity. 11:46-52.
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, D. G. Reid and A. G. Rossberg. 2012.
Recent data suggest no further recovery in North Sea Large Fish
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 235-239.
Shephard, S., T. Fung, J. E. Houle, K. D. Farnsworth, D. G. Reid and A.
G. Rossberg. 2012. Size-selective fishing drives species composition in
the Celtic Sea.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 223-234.
Rossberg, A.G. 2012. A complete analytic theory for structure and dynamics of
populations and communities spanning wide ranges in size.
Advances in Ecological Research 45:427-521.
Shephard S., D. G. Reid and S. P. R. Greenstreet SPR. 2011.
Interpreting the Large Fish Indicator for the Celtic Sea. ICES Journal
of Marine Science 68:1963-1972.
2012. J. E. Houle, K. D. Farnsworth, A. G. Rossberg, and D. G. Reid.
Assessing the sensitivity and specificity of fish community indicators
to management action. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences. 69(6): 1065-1079. doi:10.1139/f2012-04
A.G. Rossberg, K. D. Farnsworth, K. Satoh, and J. K. Pinnegar. 2010. Universal
power-law diet partitioning by marine fish and squid with surprising
stability-diversity implications, Proc. R. Soc. B.
A.G. Rossberg and K. D. Farnsworth. 2010 Simplification of structured
population dynamics in complex ecological communities, Theor. Ecol.
A.G. Rossberg, Å. Brännström, and U. Dieckmann. 2010. Food-web structure in
low- and high-dimensional trophic niche spaces, J. R. Soc. Interface, 7,
Brännström, Å., L. Carlsson, and A. G. Rossberg. 2010. Rigorous conditions for
food-web intervality in high-dimensional trophic niche spaces, J. Math. Biol.
Andersen KH Farnsworth KD, Pedersen M, Gislason H, Beyer JE. 2009. How
community ecology links natural mortality, growth and production of fish
populations. ICES J Mar Sci.
A. G. Rossberg, Å. Brännström, and U. Dieckmann. 2009. How trophic interaction
strength depends on traits — A conceptual framework for representing
multidimensional trophic niche spaces. Theor. Ecol.
From the Top Predators Group:
Gosch M, Hernandez-Milian G, Rogan E, Jessopp M, Cronin M (in press)
Grey seal diet analysis in Ireland highlights the importance of using
multiple diagnostic features. Aquatic Biology.
Cronin, M., Jessopp, M., Houle, J., and D. Reid. Seals and fisheries conflict in Irish waters. 2014.
Marine Policy. 44:120-130. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.08.015.
Wakefield ED, Bodey TW, Bearhop S, Blackburn J, Colhoun K, Davies R,
Dwyer RG, Green J, Grémillet D, Jackson AL, Jessopp MJ, Kane A,
Langston RHW, Lescroël A, Murray S, Le Nuz M, Patrick SC, Péron C,
Soanes L, Wanless S, Votier SC, Hamer KC (2013) Space Partitioning
Without Territoriality in Gannets. SCIENCE 341: 68-70.
Jessopp, MJ, Cronin, M, Doyle, TK, Wilson, M, McQuatters-Gollop, A,
Newton, S, Phillips, RA (In review). Trans-Atlantic migration by
post-breeding puffins: a strategy to exploit a temporarily abundant
food resource? Marine Biology
Brown, S.L., Reid, D. and Rogan, E. 2013. A risk-based approach to
rapidly screen vulnerability of cetaceans to impacts from fisheries
bycatch. Biological Conservation, 168, 78-87.
Jessopp, MJ, Cronin, M & Hart, T. (2013) Habitat-mediated dive
behavior in free-ranging grey seals. PLOS ONE, 1-8(5), e63720.
Busch, M, Kannen, A, Garthe, S, Jessopp, M (2013) Consequences of a
cumulative perspective on marine environmental impacts: Offshore wind
farming and seabirds at North Sea scale in context of the EU Marine
Strategy Framework Directive. Ocean & Coastal Management, 71:
Cronin M, Pomeroy P, Jessopp M. 2013. Size and seasonal
influences on the foraging range of female grey seals in the northeast
Atlantic. Marine Biology 160:531-539
Cronin, M. A. Gerritsen, H & D. Reid. 2012. Evidence of low spatial
overlap between grey seals and a specific fishery off the west coast of
Ireland. Biological Conservation 150, 136-142
Brown, S.L., Bearhop, S., Harrod, C., McDonald, R.A. 2012. A review of
spatial and temporal variation in grey and common seal diet in the
United Kingdom and Ireland. Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom, 92, 1711–1722
Villar-Guerra, D., Cronin, M., Dabrowski, T & D. Bartlett. 2012.
Seals as collectors of oceanographic data in the coastal zone,
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 115, 272-281
Anderwald,P., Haberlin, M. D. Coleman, M., Ó Cadhla, O., Englund, A.,
Visser F & M. Cronin. 2012. Seasonal trends and spatial differences
in marine mammal occurrence in Broadhaven Bay, northwest Ireland.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92,
8, 1757-1766
Katsanevakis, S., Weber, A., Pipitone, C, Leopold, M., Cronin, M.,
Scheidat, M., Doyle, T., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, K.,
D,Anna, G., DeBoois, I., Dalapadado, P et al., 2012. Monitoring marine
populations and communities methods dealing with imperfect
detectability. Aquatic Biology, 16, 31-52
Cronin, M. A. 2011. The conservation of seals in Irish waters: how research
informs management. Marine Policy (in press)
Cronin, M.A., Zuur, A.F., Ingram, S. & Rogan. E. 2011. A modeling framework
to optimize timing of haul-out counts for estimating harbour seal abundance,
NAMMCO Scientific Publications (in press)
Cronin, M.A. 2011. The status of the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) in
the Republic of Ireland. NAMMCO Scientific Publications (in press)
Cronin, M.A., Gerritsen H. D. & D. G. Reid. 2011. Do seals and man fish in
the same spots? Evidence of low spatial overlap between grey seals Halichoerus
grypus and specific fisheries off the west coast of Ireland (in review)
Hernandez-Milian, G., Berrow, S.D., Santos, M.B. & Rogan, E. Preliminary
investigations into the diet of Bottlenose dolphins in Irish waters (in review
Marine Mammal Science).
Kavanagh, A.S., Cronin, M.A., Walton, M. & Rogan, E. 2010. Diet of the
harbour seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) on the west and southwest of Ireland.
Journal of Marine Biological Association UK. 90(8)1517-1527
Cronin, M. A. & Zuur A.F. 2009. Factors affecting the haul-out behaviour of
harbour seals in the Republic of Ireland, Endangered Species Research 10,
From the Fisheries Science Group:
Connolly, P.L. and Caffrey, L. 2011 Supply chaining fishery advice. ICES Journal of
Marine Science. 68(8) 1706-1711
Shephard, S., Thorley, J.L., Brophy, D., Hiddink, J.G., Stokes, D. & Reid,
D.G. Benthivorous fish may go hungry on trawled seabed. Proceedings of the
Royal Soc. B. (in press).
Shephard, S. Brophy, D., & Reid, D.G. Indirect effects of trawling on
growth of plaice Pleuronectes platessa. Marine Biology. (in press)
Shephard, S., Brophy, D., Reid, D.G., Hiddink, J.G., & Stokes, D.Spatial
and temporal shifts in fish condition with fishing effort. Can. J. Fish &
Aquat. Sci (Submitted October 2010).
Reid, D.G. The ICES Triennial Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys
1977-2010: Past, present and future. ICES J Mar Sci. (accepted and in
Simmonds, E.J., Portilla, E., Skagen, D., Beare, D.J., and Reid, D.G. 2010.
Investigating agreement between different data sources using Bayesian
state-space models: an application to estimating NE Atlantic mackerel catch and
stock abundance. ICES J Mar Sci. 67: 1138-1153
Shephard, S., D. Brophy, et al. 2010. Can bottom trawling indirectly diminish
carrying capacity in a marine ecosystem? Marine Biology.157: 2375–2381.
Reid, D.G and Beare, D.J. 2010. Northeast Atlantic mackerel. In: Petitgas, P.
(Ed.) 2010. Life cycle spatial patterns of small pelagic fish in the Northeast
Atlantic. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 306. 93 pp.
Beare, D.J., Hölker, F., Engelhard, G.H., McKenzie, E., and Reid, D.G. 2010. An
unintended experiment in fisheries science: a war mediated protected area in
the North Sea results in Mexican waves in fish numbers-at-age.
Naturwissenschaften 97:797-808.
Large, P.A., Diez, G., Drewery, J., Laurans, M., Pilling, G.M., Reid, D.G.,
Reinert, J., South, A.B., and Vinnichenko, V.I. 2010. The spatial and temporal
distribution of spawning aggregations of blue ling (Molva dypterygia) to the
west and north-west of the British Isles (ICES Areas Vb, VI, VII and XIIb).
ICES J. Mar. Sci., 67: 494 – 501.
Gerlotto, F., Jones, E.G., Bez, N. and Reid, D.G. (2010). When good neighbours
become good friends: observing small scale structure in fish aggregations using
multibeam sonar. Aquatic Living Resources. 23, 143–151
Shephard, S. Brophy, D., Davie, S. and Reid, D.G. Using high resolution fishing
effort data to explore ecosystem effects of fishing. (In prep)
From the Marine Governance Group:
Fitzpatrick, T. M. , N. Graham, D. J. Rihan, and D. G. Reid. 2011. The burden
of proof in co-management and results-based management: The elephant on the
deck! ICES Journal of Marine Science. 68(8), 1656-1662
Rihan D., Graham N., Reid D., Lordan C. 2011. The Provision of Fisheries
Information By ICES WGFTFB To Assessment Working 1 Groups – Use Of
Information And Lessons Learned. ICES J. Mar. Sci. (In press)
Reid, D.G., Graham, N., Rihan, D.J., Kelly, E., Gatt, I.R., Griffin, F. &
Kynoch, R.J. 2011. Do big boats tow big nets?: an examination of the
relationship between fishing vessel physical characteristics and the gear they
tow. ICES J Mar. Sci. 68(8), 1663-1669
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications:
Cronin, M., DelVillar, D., and M. Jessop. 2012. Seals as oceanographers
in southwest Ireland. Final Report to the Higher Education Authority
HEA PRTLI4 Climate Change: Impacts and responses. Novermber 2012. 62pp.
Cronin, M, Jessopp, M & D. Reid. 2010. Seals and Fish Stocks in Irish
Waters Briefing note to European Parliament Directorate General for Internal
Policies 58 pp.
Farnsworth, K.D. and Reid D.G. 2010. How do we include biodiversity in
fisheries management: analysis for the real world. ICES CM 2010/Q:09
Fitzpatrick, M., Graham, N., Hatcher, A., Rihan, D.J. , Reid, D.G., Sutton, G.
and MacMullen, P. 2010. Reversing the burden of proof in fisheries management
in the context of an integrated ecosystem approach. ICES CM 2010/P:13
Fung, T, Farnsworth, K., Rossberg, A.G., & Reid, D.G. 2010. Modelling
Effects of Fishing on biodiversity. ICES CM 2010/Q:24
Gosh, M. 2010. The diet of the grey seal in southwest Ireland. MSc (Marine
Biology) thesis. University College Cork.
Houle, J.E., Farnsworth, K. & Reid, D.G. 2010. The impact of fishing
pressure on natural mortality and underlying ecosystem structure. ICES CM
Reid, D,G. 2010. The ecosystem and fishing in Ireland – The Beaufort
research project. Killybegs Fishermen's Organisation News, October 2010.
Rossberg, A.G., Farnsworth, K. and Reid, D.G. 2010. Analytic theory of size-spectrum dynamics.
ICES CM 2010/C:17
Rossberg, A.G. and Reid, D.G. 2009. Food-web models as tools for
ecosystem-based management. ICES CM 2009/P:10.
Quinn, A. 2009. The effect of seals on fisheries. Literature review by Summer
bursary student, CMRC, University College Cork.
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, D.
G. Reid and A. G. Rossberg. Aug 2013. Biodiversity-ecosystem
functioning relationships for large ecosystems with thousands of
species: predictions and explanations using a dynamic food-web model.
Oral presentation. Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution (MMEE)
conference 2013. (York, UK, 2013.)
Brown, S.L., Reid, D. and Rogan, E. “Expert knowledge informs and
refines Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fishing on
cetacenas”. 48th Annual European Marine Biology Symposium. (Galway,
Ireland, August 2013). Oral presentation.
Brown, S.L., Rogan, E., and Reid, D. “Expert knowledge informs and
refines Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of fishing, on
cetacean species”. 6th World Fisheries Congress. (Edinburgh, Scotland
May 2012). Oral presentation.
Brown, S.L., Reid, D. and Rogan, E. “Expert knowledge informs and
refines Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fishing, for
cetacean species”. 26th European Cetacean Society Conference. (Galway,
Ireland March 2012). Poster presentation.
Jessopp, M. Are Irish puffins reliant on Nth American fish
stocks? Oral presentation. Environmental Research Institute open Day,
Cork Oct 2012
Duggan, D.E., Farnsworth. K. D., Kraak, S.B.M. and D.G. Reid.
2012. Objective specification of a multi-stakeholder interface to
ecological models for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management.
ICES Annual Science Conference 2012. (Bergen, Norway).
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, D. G. Reid and A. G. Rossberg. 2012. How
does marine community resilience change with biodiversity loss? Oral
presentation. ICES Annual Science Conference 2012. (Bergen, Norway,
Jessopp, MJ & Kelly, TK. Bird Habitats in Ireland - open sea. Oral presentation. Bird Habitats Symposium, Dublin May 2012
Cronin, M., Gerritsen, H., Reid, D. 2012 Overlap between a top marine
predator (grey seal) and specific fisheries on the Irish continental
shelf. Oral presentation. European Cetacean Society, Annual conference,
Galway, Ireland. March 2012
Cosgrove, R., Cronin, M, Gosch, M., Jessopp, M, Reid D. & M.
Sheridan. 2012 Seal depredation and bycatch in Irish set net fisheries.
Poster presentation European Cetacean Society, Annual conference,
Galway, Ireland. March 2012
Jessopp, MJ, Hart, T, & Cronin, M. Fine-scale habitat use
and mid-water foraging in free-ranging grey seals. Oral presentation.
European Cetacean Society Conference, Galway, March 2012
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, A. G. Rossberg, D. G. Reid and S. Shephard.
2012. Evaluating indicators using a species-rich whole ecosystem model:
Progress and future directions. Beaufort EAFM Science Plenary Meeting
2012. (Galway, Ireland, 2012.)
Duggan, D., Farnsworth, K., Kraak, S.B.M. and D. G. Reid. The creation
of an interface between stakeholders and ecological models.Oral
presentation. World Fisheries Congress. (Edinburgh, UK. May 2012.)
J. E. Houle, K. H. Andersen, K. D. Farnsworth, and D. G. Reid.
The impact of forage fish exploitation on marine community structure.
Oral presentation. World Fisheries Congress. (Edinburgh, UK. May 2012.)
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, D. G. Reid and A. G. Rossberg.
"Deriving and understanding the biodiversity-productivity relationship
for large marine fish communities." Oral presentation. World Fisheries
Congress. (Edinburgh, UK. May 2012.)
Brown, S.L., Reid, D., Rogan, E. “Assessing the risk to marine mammals
from fishing activities; optimising procedures to balance the
precautionary approach with stakeholder engagement”. 19th Society of
Marine Mammalogy Conference. (Tampa, Florida, USA December 2011).
Poster presentation.
Jessopp, MJ, Cronin, M, Phillips, RA. Trans-Atlantic movements of
puffins from southwest Ireland. Poster presentation International
Seabird Conference, Plymouth, Sept 2011
J. E. Houle. Evaluating the performance of ecological indicators.
Invited presentation at the IndiSeas II November 2011 meeting, UNESCO
Paris, France. 2011.
Fung, T., K. D. Farnsworth, D. G. Reid and A. G. Rossberg. "Signatures
of fishing on marine food web structure." Poster presentation. ICES
Annual Science Conference. (Gda?sk, Poland. Sep 2011.)
Shephard, S., Fung, T., Rossberg, A.G., Reid,D.G., Greenstreet, S.P.R., Warnes,
S. "Size-based indicators suggest sustained changes in size-structure of the
Celtic Sea demersal fish community." ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium. (Santander,
spain. May 2011).
Houle, J.E., Farnsworth, K.D., Rossberg, D.G. Linking community ecology and an
ecosystems approach to fisheries management through marine community modelling.
8th Annual MBA Postgraduate Conference. (Belfast, May 2011).
Duggan, D.E., Farnsworth, K.D., Reid, D.G. Knowledge Engineering in Fisheries
Management. 8th Annual MBA Postgraduate Conference. (Belfast, May 2011).
Reid, D.G. The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in Ireland;
Challenges and solutions from the Beaufort Research programme. Irish
Environmental Colloquium. (Cork, April 2011)
Reid, D.G. Environmental Variability and Pelagic Fisheries. Keynote at Pelagic
RAC workshop on the EAFM in pelagic fisheries. (Amsterdam, February 2011)
Rogan, E., Kavanagh, A., McHugh, B., Englund, A., Cross, T., & Ingram, S.
Using ecological tracers to help differentiate populations: the case of
bottlenose dolphins in Ireland. European Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference.
(Cadiz, Spain. March, 2011). Oral presentation.
McCarthy, A., Hernandez-Milian, G., O'Leary, E.M. & Rogan, E. 2011.
Mesopelagic fish in the diet of marine mammals. In Pierce, G.J. &
Hernandez-Milian, G. 2011. Workshop on Prey Identificationin marine mammal
diets. European Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Cadiz, Spain. March, 2011).
McCarthy, A., O'Leary, E., Hernandez-Milian, G. & Rogan, E. 2011. Growth
data and otolith atlas for mesopelagic fish of the Northeast Atlantic. European
Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Cadiz, Spain. March, 2011). Poster
Pierce, G.J., Santos, M.B. & Hernandez-Milian, G. 2011. Marine mammal diet
analysis. Current practice, future directions and online prey ID tools. In
Pierce, G.J. & Hernandez-Milian, G. 2011. Workshop on Prey Identificationin
marine mammal diets. European Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Cadiz, Spain.
March, 2011).
Pierce, G.J. & Hernandez-Milian, G. 2011. Workshop on Prey Identificationin
marine mammal diets. European Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Cadiz, Spain.
March, 2011).
Fitzpatrick, T.M. & Reid, D.G. 2011. From illegitimate policies to local
stewardship: governance benchmarking for Celtic Seas fisheries management.
“It’s not just about the fish” Conference. (London, April
Hernandez-Milian, G., Pierce, G.J. & Santos, M.B. 2011. The importance of
using different bones in diet studies. In Pierce, G.J. & Hernandez-Milian,
G. 2011. Workshop on Prey Identificationin marine mammal diets. European
Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Cadiz, Spain. March, 2011).
Brown, S.L., Reid, D. & Rogan, E. Albacore tuna fisheries and megafauna
bycatch: comparing driftnets and pair trawling using Productivity
Susceptibility Analysis. The 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean
Society. (Cadiz, Spain. March, 2011).
Cronin, M.A., Jessopp, M. & D. Reid. 2010. The impact of seals on fisheries
in Irish waters. Presentation to the European Parliament Committee for
Fisheries. (Brussels, Nov 2010)
Cronin, M.A. Reid, D.G. & Gerritsen H. Integration of VMS and telemetry
technologies to assess niche overlap and competition between marine mammals and
commercial fisheries in southwest/west Ireland. MI/FIF mini conference
“Linking Advice, Research and the Fishing Industry”. (Galway, June
Del Villar, D., Cronin, M & D. Bartlett. 2010. Using telemetry derived
temperature data from instrumented seals (harbour and grey seals) to examine
fine scale changes in the water temperature of the Irish west coast and to
assess the feasibility of using seals as oceanographers. HEA Environment &
climate change workshop. University of Limerick. (Limerick, January 2010)
Fitzpatrick, M., Reid, D., Clarke, M., & Power, G. 2010. Linking
industry-science co-operation and co-management: Celtic Sea Herring. MI &
Federation of Irish Fishermen Mini conference. (Galway, June 2010)
Fitzpatrick, T. M., N. Graham, D. J. Rihan, and D. G. Reid. 2010. The burden of
proof in co-management and results-based management: The elephant on the deck!
Fisheries Dependent Information Conference. (Galway, August 2010)
Fitzpatrick, Mike, Norman Graham, Dave Reid, Phil MacMullen, Gerry Sutton The
Unbearable Burden of Proof – An integrated Ecosystem Approach”.
ICES Annual Science Conference. (Nantes, September 2010)
Fitzpatrick, M.T. Access restrictions in global pelagic fisheries. Presented to
CSHMAC March 2010.
Fung T.C., Farnsworth KD, Rossberg, AG, Reid DG. “Modelling effects of
fishing on biodiversity”. Poster presentation at ICES Annual Science
Conference (Nantes, September 2010).
Fung, T., Farnsworth, K. D., Houle, J. E., Reid, D. G. and Rossberg, A. G.
“Models connecting science and fisheries management”.
‘Linking Advice, Research and the Fishing Industry’
Mini-Conference. (Galway, June 2010)
Hernandez-Milian, G., Rogan, E. & Reid, D.G. Modelling the ecosystem Role
of Top Predators (Cetaceans and Seals) in Irish Waters. MI/FIF mini conference
“Linking Advice, Research and the Fishing Industry”. (Galway June
Hernandez-Milian, G., Rogan, E. & Reid, D.G. Modelling the ecosystem Role
of Top Predators (Cetaceans and Seals) in Irish Waters. Linking Research Advice
and the Fishing Industry - Mini Conference. (Galway, June 2010). Oral
Hernandez-Milian, G. & Rogan, E. First insight on the diet of white-sided
dolphin in Ireland waters. Report of the First ECS Workshop on White-Beaked
& Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins. 17th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting,
AC17/Doc.5-08. April 2010
Hernandez-Milian, G. & Rogan, E. First insight on the diet of white-sided
dolphin in Ireland waters. First ECS Workshop on White-Beaked & Atlantic
White-Sided Dolphins European Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Stralsund,
Germany. March 2010). Oral communication.
Hernandez-Milian, G. & Rogan, E. Atlantic white-sided and bottlenose
dolphins: the unknown foraging ecology in the waters around Ireland. European
Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference. (Stralsund, Germany. March 2010). Poster
Houle, J.E., Farnsworth K.D. The impact of fishing pressure on natural
mortality and underlying ecosystem structure as part of the theme session
'Natural mortality variation in populations and communities'. Presented at ICES
Annual Science Conference (Nantes, September 2010).
Farnsworth KD, Reid DG. "How to include biodiversity in fisheries management:
analysis for the real world". Presented at ICES Annual Science Conference
(Nantes, September 2010).
Reid, D.G., Graham, N., Rihan, D.J., Kelly, E., Gatt, I.R., Griffin, F. &
Kynoch, R.J. Do big boats tow big nets?: an examination of the relationship
between fishing vessel physical characteristics and the gear they tow.
Fisheries Dependent Information Conference. (Galway, August 2010).
Reid, D.G. & Fitzpatrick, M.T. Beaufort project on the Ecosystem Approach
to Fisheries Management: EAFM in action. PISCES First stakeholder workshop.
(Cardiff, May 2010).
Reid D.G. Integrating fisheries surveys into the EAFM. Scientific and Technical
Committee for Fisheries (STECF), Sub Group on Research Needs (SGRN), Expert
Working Group (EWG) 11-02 “Reflections on the Present and Future
Requirements of the DCF
Rossberg A.G. “An analytic theory of size-spectrum structure and
dynamics”. Poster Presentation: SIZEMIC workshop (Barcelona, June 2010).
Rossberg A.G. “Why principal components of community population data
always show a ‘trend’ yet say nothing about climate impacts”.
The Fisheries Society of the British Isles. Annual Symposium (Belfast, July
Rossberg A.G. “Analytic theory of size-spectrum structure and
dynamics”. British Ecological Society, annual meeting (Leeds, September
Rossberg A.G. “Marine biodiversity controlled by indirect
competition?” Beaufort Science Plenary Meeting (Galway, December 2010).
Rossberg A.G. “Two wee statistical problems related to biodiversity in
model ecosystems”. Invited lecture Umea University. (2010)
Rossberg A.G. “How phylogenetic correlations structure ecological
communities”. Research Seminar, University of Bath, March 2010.
Shephard, S. and Reid, D.G. Unstable size-structure in a highly perturbed
marine fish community. MI/FIF mini conference “Linking Advice, Research
and the Fishing Industry”. (Galway June 2010)
Shephard, S. Brophy, D., Davie, S. and Reid, D.G. Using high resolution fishing
effort data to explore ecosystem effects of fishing. Fisheries Dependent
Information Conference. (Galway, August 2010).
Hernandez-Milian, G. and Rogan, E. Preliminary insights into the diet and
foraging behaviour of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Ireland. All
Ireland Mammal Symposium (A.I.M.S.). (Waterford, November 2009). Poster
Houle, J.E. A size-structured marine community model as a tool for the
ecosystems approach to fisheries management'. International Size Structured
Marine Modelling Workshop, Queen’s University Belfast, Dec 2009.
Fung, T.C., Farnsworth, K. D., Rossberg, A. G. and Reid, D. G.
“Generating and using species-rich model communities for decision support
in fisheries.” International Size Structured Marine Modelling Workshop,
Queen’s University Belfast. (Belfast, December 2009).
Cronin, M. A. 2009 Using telemetry to understand top marine predators. ERI open
day showcase on marine research University College Cork. (Cork, May 2009). Oral
Rossberg A.G, Reid D. "Food-web models as tools for ecosystem-based
management". ICES Annual Science Conference (Berlin, September 2009).
Rossberg A.G. "Properties of the Population-Dynamical and Evolutionary Steady
State of Marine Food Webs". European Marine Biology Symposium (Liverpool,
September 2009).
Rossberg A.G. "Phylogenetically Structured Food-Webs are Interval in Low- and
High-Dimensional Niche Spaces". Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting
(Albuquerque, August 2009).
Rossberg A.G. "Entangled in paradigms? Inspecting the fabric of community
ecology". Invited Lecture, Liverpool University (November 2009) (also delivered
by invitation at Kyoto University).
Rossberg A.G. "A network of fundamental questions: Ideas, data, modelling, and
application". SIZEMIC ("Body size and ecosystem dynamics") (Strömstad, June
Rossberg A.G. "The Quasi-Neutral Approximation as an accurate aggregation
technique for structured population dynamics in complex packed communities".
Workshop on sizespectra at Technical University of Denmark (Copenhagen, May
Rossberg A.G, Farnsworth KD. "Strengthening the Foundations of EAFM". Beaufort
Science Symposium. (Galway, October 2008).
Rossberg A.G. "The Complex Systems Approach to the Ecosystem Approach to
Fisheries”. Queen's University Belfast Biological Science Research
Seminar (Belfast, October 2008).
Rossberg A.G. "A universal power law for fish diet partitioning and where it
comes from". Technical University of Denmark (Charlottenlund, September
Other Knowledge Transfer
Cronin, M, Jessopp, M & D. Reid. 2010. Seals and Fish Stocks in Irish
Waters Briefing note to European Parliament Directorate General for Internal
Policies 58 pp.
The QUB team of the Beaufort EAFM award have entered Associated Partnership
with FP7 project FACTS, approved and scheduled to start January 2010.
Jessopp, M. Where have all the puffins gone? September 2010. Article submitted
to Office of Public works (OPW) on puffin tagging to be included on Skelligs
Research exchange visits between the QUB team and workers at the Technical
University of Denmark, (DTU) Danish Fisheries Research Institute have continued
in 2011 with Tak Fung, Jennifer Houle and Axel Rossberg all travelling to
Copenhagen for workshops and research meetings.Collaboration with Marine
Scotland (Fisheries Research Services) and CEFAS in England have continued
throughout 2008/9.
Scientific advice for
T. Fung attended 2012 ICES WGECO workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark,
11-18th April 2012, writing sections of the Working Group Report on
Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities (WGECO), 11-18 April 2012,
Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2012/ACOM:26. 192 pp.
A. G. Rossberg and T. Fung attended 2011 ICES WGECO Copenhagen,
Denmark, 13-20th April 2011, writing sections of the Working Group
Report on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities (WGECO). 13-20 April
2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2011/ACOM:24. 166 pp."
Cronin, M. 2010 Scientific information and advice provided to the European
Parliament Committee for Fisheries EP on seal fisheries interactions in Irish
waters, providing an overview of the situation, identifying research and policy
gaps and recommendations.
• Cronin, M. 2010 Advice given to government and industry on marine mammal
abundance and distribution in Irish waters to inform effective mitigation
measures to minimise acoustic disturbance to marine mammals during operations
that generate underwater noise.
• Fitzpatrick, T.M. 2009-2011. Invited member of the Celtic Sea Herring
Management Committee. Contributed to discussions on Long Term Management Plan
for Celtic Sea Herring re adaptive management and social aspects and access
restrictions in global pelagic fisheries.
• Rossberg, A. 2011. Member of the Healthy Biological Diverse Seas
Evidence Group (HBDSEG) initiated by DEFRA, WAG, DOENI and Marine Scotland, to
help derive options for marine biological targets and indicators for the Marine
Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
• Dransfeld, L. 2010-2011. Member of Irish National Working Group on MSFD-
advice also from Reid D.G.
• Brown, S.L., Reid, D. & Rogan, E. The Biologically sensitive Area
(BSA) south and west of Ireland was designated for protection in 2006 by the
EC. This legislation is now up for review, and advice on ERAEF and it’s
application in the BSA was provided to DAFF for this negotiation. While this
has not yet been concluded, we anticipate that the BSA will be retained and
while initially managed by reducing discarding, the long-term plan will be to
incorporate an ERAEF into the management plan, using information from this WP.
•Dr Rossberg was appointed as a member of ICES Working Group on the
Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities. He leads the developing of rationales
and recommendations for research on the effect of fishing (see ICES Report of
the Working Group on the Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities, ICES,